You can earn a lot of money by uploading various file into some website. So why asking more! just follow and earn yourself from your home.
More designs
Shared uploader allows uploading files directly to your account on and deleting an uploaded file: the delete link is giving together with the download link!
Just choose a design you like, copy the corresponding code and paste it to your site code or to a message on your blog.
All files uploaded with the help of Shared uploader will get to a special folder named "Filebox" in your account.
The link "register account" in the uploaders is referral! And all users registered by this link will be your referrals in the service.
Attention! The owner of an account is responsible for all files uploaded to his/her account by the Shared uploader.
Please note:
- You can upload no more than 500 files during one hour.
- You can upload files with size more than 2Mb inclusive. If a file is less than 2Mb, it will not get into your account.
This restriction is conditioned by the fact, that the main goal of FTP-uploading is to provide more comfortable uploads of large files.
How does it works:
- Clicking the button "Get FTP account" you will get the addresses of FTP servers and special Login and Password for access.
- With the help of any FTP-client program using given Login and Password enter one of FTP-servers.
How to use the FTP-client in DepositFiles - Upload your files.
You can:
- upload files into your account.
- During 3 hours to continue to upload file in case of disconnection
- For access use any of FTP-clients (CuteFtp, FlashFXP, Wsftp).
For all users we recommend FTP-client FileZilla and Total Commander. - Please, pay attention that a password for FTP access differs from the password for your account on DepositFiles.
- To display the file name in the national symbols, specify UTF-8 in the connection properties of your FTP-client!
- All files uploaded to your FTP-account after an uploading is finished are moved into your account in DepositFiles. After the files are moved to the account, they are deleted from FTP-server.
- We will be glad to get your comments and remarks about this innovation.
With this purpose, please, contact our Support Center.
Dear Users!
Now to upload files to you do not have to enter your account! Just place new Flash-uploader on your site or blog and all uploaded files will get to your Account!
Now to upload files to you do not have to enter your account! Just place new Flash-uploader on your site or blog and all uploaded files will get to your Account!
How does it work?
Set up a code of Flash-uploader, upload a file and get the download link immediately!
Shared uploader allows you to share files with your friends quickly and easily!
Set up a code of Flash-uploader, upload a file and get the download link immediately!
Shared uploader allows you to share files with your friends quickly and easily!
More designs
Shared uploader allows uploading files directly to your account on and deleting an uploaded file: the delete link is giving together with the download link!
Just choose a design you like, copy the corresponding code and paste it to your site code or to a message on your blog.
All files uploaded with the help of Shared uploader will get to a special folder named "Filebox" in your account.
The link "register account" in the uploaders is referral! And all users registered by this link will be your referrals in the service.
Attention! The owner of an account is responsible for all files uploaded to his/her account by the Shared uploader.
To download the FTP-client FileZilla you can free from the official site of the program:
- Install and start the program.
- Enter the address of a server, Login and Password given in your account on DepositFiles:
- To the right you can see the content of your personal FTP Folder on the server. To the left - the content of hard drives on your computer:
- Select a file on your computer which you want to upload to DepositFiles:
and drug it to the right. The upload of the file is to start:
- After the upload is finished your file will appear in the server folder:
In a short time you can see it in the section "Files" in your account on DepositFiles:
Please be aware that if you create a folder on server and upload files to it, or upload from your computer a folder with files, this files WILL NOT APPEAR in your account on DepositFiles and will be deleted.
Files should be uploaded only to the ROOT DIRECTORY of the server!!
Files should be uploaded only to the ROOT DIRECTORY of the server!!
If you failed to ulpload a file by any reason, please contact our Service Center.
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